Shaggy Doodles Guardian Application
In an effort to grow our Labradoodle family without turning our home into a kennel atmosphere, and to ensure all of our breeding dogs live a pampered life in their forever home, we have implemented a Guardian Program.
The guardian dog is part of the guardian home's family, while breeding rights are retained by Shaggy Doodles for a set amount of time (at least 3 litters). Once the guardian dog has completed his/her breeding career, he/she will be spayed/neutered at my expense and will remain a forever pet of yours. I will also compensate you for every litter just for participating in the guardian home. Guardian families will be under a legal contract until the breeding career is complete. Guardian families are responsible for high quality dog food (grain free), basic grooming, socialization, and most importantly love and attention. Any "breeding related" medical cost are paid by me. *A small initial deposit may be required but will be returned after your first litter compensation.
Please fill out the questionnaire for Shaggy Doodles to review if you are interested in our program. We carefully select approved homes for our babies.